This is the official site of the Home Owners Association for Heritage Hills community, located in Sammamish, Washington.
For any questions concerning property management, escrow and home closings, pool operations, or to obtain an electronic
version of the annual Heritage Hills phone directory please contact the Property Manager, Phil Horn, at
If you have your banks send us your checks, the address is
Heritage Hills Home Owners Association, 22116B NE 27th PL, Sammamish, WA 98074.
Important News |
Heritage Hills Newsgroup - Facebook
A community Facebook page is maintained to encourage and enhance communication with other
residents in our Heritage Hills neighborhood. Please register and join the
Heritage Hills Community
Facebook page.
Calendar of Events |
April 9, 2022 - Easter Egg Hunt
Annual Easter Egg Hunt is on this Saturday in March. The daytime hunt, will consist of two separate egg hunt's starting at 10:00am.
One egg hunt will be for ages 0 - 4, and a second hunt for ages 5 through 4th grade; all starting at 10:00 am.
The nighttime hunt, for 5th through 9th graders, will begin at 8:00pm. Meet at the cabana in the park. Eggs will be hidden
throughout a designated portion of the park. Each child brings their own basket and may collect 12 eggs. There will be a
special prize (per hunt) for finding the golden egg!
May 28, 2022 - Opening Pool Kickoff
If similar to previous years, the pool opens on Memorial weekend. Bring the kids to swim from 1:00pm to 6:00pm.
Then at 5:30pm, we'll start building a fire to roast hot dogs, bringing a salad, side or
dessert potluck item of your choice and have dinner together - eating around 6:00pm
until the food is gone. The HOA will provide hot dogs, buns and water.
July 4, 2022 - 4th of July Resident Parade
It is time for some red, white and blue. Lets celebrate the 4th with our Annual Neighborhood Parade! We plan to meet at the Pool Entrance of the park (NE 25th), at 10am. Come dressed in
Red, White and Blue and don't forget to decorate your bikes, wagons and scooters! Please RSVP to the event created within our HH Community FB Group so we know how many balloons to get and how much food. Thanks, neighbors!
We also encourage and neighbors who aren't walking in the parade to come out and wave and cheer the kids on as they parade though!
August 2, 2022 - National Night Out
The "39th Annual National Night Out", is an annual event each summer, which is scheduled,
nationwide, the first Tuesday of August. Due to Covid this years event has been moved to the Fall.
National Night Out is designed to: Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;
Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
In Heritage Hills we encourage you to get together with your
neighbors, have a BBQ, Ice Cream Social or just sit outside and chat and
get to know each other.
Remember this is an opportunity for important conversation about safety, neighborhood disaster preparedness
and the resources in your neighborhood that would be useful in an
Summer 2022 - Annual Garage Sale
Our community garage sale is every year on a Saturday in the summer, from 9am - 3pm. A map is made with all participating houses in
Heritage Hills, to assist those interested in visiting all the sales. The annual garage sale will usually take place the same day as the Hampton Woods Garage Sale.
More information to come.
Summer 2022 - Movie Night
Big screen will be setup in the Heritage Hills park for movie night. The HOA will provide drinks, snacks and desserts. Otherwise, it will be bring your own food/beverages. More information to come.
December 2022 - Christmas Decoration Contest
Decorate your house with Christmas lights to be
eligible for the neighborhood Christmas Lights Contest. Winners will be
announced and prizes will be awarded prior to Christmas Day.