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Cell width 150.
1st Row is a good test. Keep lots of text in here since it defines how big the column will be. Not sure why the other columns are not using all of the section.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
3rd Row

This is Cell #1. Was set up as a width of 150 and works great ! Cell #1 was created by making a TABLE of 2 columns with 1 row. In the 2nd column I created another table of 2 rows which refers to Cell #2 and Cell #3.
Title Header

This text is centered !!

This is Cell #2. Notice that Cell #2 and Cell #3 though defined at 100% width do not go all the way to the end of the cell they are embedded in. Why is this even though I have them at 100%. Must be related to the fact that Cell #1 was created as a defined width but I don't understand ???

Line below is HR which does not get changed by using cell spacing !!

Cell #3 is same as Cell #2, but alignment is center instead of left. Need to check if it goes to multiple lines.

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