DOCUMENT_NAME This variable is the complete local directory path of the current document.

DOCUMENT_URI This variable is the local path of the current document referenced to the base directory of the webspace.

QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED This variable is the unescaped query string sent by the client browser, all shell-special characters escaped with \.

DATE_LOCAL This variable is current local date and time.

DATE_GMT This variable is the current Greenwich Mean date and time.

LAST_MODIFIED This variable is the date and time of the last modification of the current document.

REMOTE_ADDR This variable is the IP address of the remote client browser.

QUERY_STRING This variable is the raw query string sent from the remote browser.

SERVER_SOFTWARE This variable is the name of the HTTP server software.

SERVER_NAME This variable is the local computer name of the HTTP server.

GATEWAY_INTERFACE This variable is the name/version of the Common Gateway Interface served on this HTTP server.

SERVER_PROTOCOL This variable is the name/version of HTTP served on this HTTP server

SERVER_PORT This variable is the IP port the HTTP server is answering on.

REQUEST_METHOD This variable is the method by which the current document was requested.

PATH_INFO This variable is the extra path info that is sent. This information is regarded as virtual (the path is relative to the base directory of the HTTP server).

PATH_TRANSLATED This variable is the 'PATH_INFO' variable translated from virtual to local (physical) disk location.

SCRIPT_NAME This variable is the virtual path of the script being executed.

REMOTE_HOST This variable is the host name of the remote client.

AUTH_TYPE This variable is the authentication method used to validate the remote client.

REMOTE_USER This variable is the user name used to validate authentication from the remote client.

REMOTE_IDENT This variable is the remote user name if supporting RFC931 identification.

CONTENT_TYPE This variable is the content type of the attached information in the case of a POST or PUT.

CONTENT_LENGTH This variable is the length of the attached information in the case of a POST or PUT.

HTTP_ACCEPT This variable is a comma separated list of mime types that are accepted by the remote browser.

HTTP_USER_AGENT This variable is the name of the remote client browser software.

REFERER This variable is the ULR of the HTML document which referred the remote client to this document.

FROM This variable is the name (most likely the-mail address) of the remote client user.

FORWARDED This variable is the name of the proxy server through which this document is being processed.

ACCEPT_LANGUGE This variable lists the human languages that are acceptable to the remote client.

HTTP_COOKIE This variable contains the cookie sent by the remote client, and is explained in detail below.