Netmation Inc. October 1, 2004
  News and Articles

Web Hosting Server Upgrades Complete
In September we have upgraded all our hosting servers to high speed Dual Intel Xeon Processors connected by Cisco switches. All our servers are located in a world-class facility utilizing complete redundancy in power, air conditioning, fire suppression, network connectivity, and security. Our network is redundant with 9 different backbone providers providing our business clients with outstanding performance and reliability.

  News and Articles

mySQL/PHP, MS-SQL/ASP.NET and Flash Contractors Available!
Do you have requirements to develop sophisticated internal or external web applications in a variety of technologies? Netmation currently has consultants (i.e. Project Manager to Programmers) available to complete your projects in a timely fashion. For more information or a quote please contact

Small Business Consulting
For small businesses that do not want to mess with the technical issues concerning getting a web page up and running Netmation offers a starter package. For a $500, one time setup fee, and an additional $299 per year we can construct and maintain a professional looking web page, manage your office email, and answer your questions concerning your computing needs. This service includes fees associated with domain registration, web hosting and email servers. For more information visit

WinXP Service Pack 2 and Outlook Searching for FREE!
Here are two nice freebies from Microsoft. For those who don't want to spend the time downloading the recently released updates you can order Microsoft's WinXP SP2 CD-ROM free of charge. A nice free add-on from Microsoft is Lookout 1.2 which will allow Outlook users to quickly search all of your e-mail.

Albert Franz
Albert W. Franz, President
Netmation Inc.

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