Netmation Inc. January 27, 2004
  News and Articles

Introducing MLSVIDEO.COM
To better market our flat fee real estate service we have created a separate company for this service. As of January 15, 2004, the real estate service formerly offered by Netmation will be operated and marketed by MLSvideo LLC, under the tradename

No longer are real estate buyers and sellers restricted to using full time brokers and sales agents who require payment of a commission as a percentage of the sale price. Sellers can now list their property in the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) through a flat fee service, and Buyers can submit a Purchase & Sale Agreement for a flat fee.

Please stop by the MLSvideo LLC web site and sign up for the newsletter at

  News and Articles

Small Business Consulting
For small businesses that do not want to mess with the technical issues concerning getting a web page up and running Netmation offers a starter package. For a $500, one time setup fee, and an additional $299 per year we can construct and maintain a professional looking web page, manage your office email, and answer your questions concerning your computing needs. This service includes fees associated with domain registration, web hosting and email servers. For more information visit

Virus Warning
Monday afternoon a mass-mailing worm flooding email servers worldwide, called W32/Mydoom@MM. When run, the worm steals email addresses from the infected machine and also automatically generates random email addresses for propagation. It will appear with one of several random subjects lines, such as "Mail Delivery System," "Test" or "Mail Transaction Failed." Be sure to update your virus definition files from your software vendor, such as Symantec or McAfee.

Do you know of a business looking for contractors?
Please contact Netmation or myself directly should you hear of any businesses seeking specific expertise. Netmation has experience providing project management, analysis, and strategic development solutions in diverse business settings. We have been responsible for the management, planning, design, selection and implementation of various systems related projects in manufacturing, engineering and financial environments.

Albert Franz
Albert W. Franz, President
Netmation Inc.

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