Albert Franz September 29, 2004
  News and Articles

You are currently subscribed to at least one of four newsletters I send out. To make sure I am not sending e-mail to anyone who does not wish to be on any specific newsletter list, I am sending out this notice of my records.

@@1@@ is currently subscribed to:
    Netmation Inc. : @@2@@         Accounting Group : @@4@@   : @@3@@         Albert Franz     : @@5@@

The Albert Franz email list has also been used in the past years for the annual ski bus trip. You can subscribe and unsubscribe for each newsletter on the main page of each site.

Albert Franz
Albert W. Franz

  News and Articles

The following is a brief overview of each business and my personal web site as it relates to the four newsletters.


Netmation provides a wide range of system and management consulting services. Services include but are not limited to contract employment, software development, and Internet provider services. Netmation has a variety of Internet applications for businesses and consumers within Computer Store, Resume Data Base, Educational Training, Data Duplication, Video Production, and Internet Hosting markets.


As the Internet has progressed, a need for a new type of Real Estate service has emerged. No longer are real estate buyers and sellers restricted to using full time brokers and sales agents who require payment of a commission as a percentage of the sale price. Sellers can now list their property in the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) through a flat fee service, and Buyers can submit a Purchase & Sale Agreement for a flat fee.


Are you feeling overwhelmed with your accounting needs? Do you have accounting/ bookkeeping problems? Do you need to have your accounting system set up? If so, then you have come to the right place! Accounting Group LLC provides accounting and bookkeeping services on an outsource basis to small businesses and mid-sized companies. We provide excellent customer service and maintain the highest ethics.


Family web page where you can find an overview of our businesses and resumes. Mostly used for sharing of photographs, social event planning, games, political issues and anything else we wish to share with you on the Internet. Sign up for our popular newsletter to hear about occasional fun social gatherings in Seattle.

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