Conditional Function (ifcond Function).
{#ifcond (( expr1 ), ( expr2 ), ( expr3 ))#}
- this expression evaluates and prints result of expr2 if expr1 evaluates to TRUE, and expr3 if expr1 evaluates
Please enter Number1 and Number2. For example if you will enter Number1 = 125 and Number2 = 100 will evaluates expression
{#ifcond(( Number1 > Number2 ), ( Number1 + 10 ), ( Number2 ))#} and result will be 135
Ordering Cost Depending on the Size of the Order Quantity (using ifcond Function).
Your product has set prices per item that go down whenever they reach a certain amount.
1 or 4 items: $19.95 each
5 or 9 items: $15.95 each
10 to 19 items: $12.95 each
>= 20 items: $9.99 each
You want to calculate total ordering cost depending on the size of the order quantity.
Please enter order quantity.
{#ifcond(( Number1 > Number2 ), ( Number1 + 10 ), ( Number2 ))#} and result will be 135