- Simple Contact Form
Features used:
- Required fields validation
- Email field validation
- Lowercase and then capitalize first letters in First Name and Last Name
- "Comment" field format for proper HTML email output (nl2br modifier)
- "Preview" page
- Back and Edit feature
- Highlight improperly filled fields on the same page
- Email sending in both formats: plaintext and HTML
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will receive two emails (in plaintext and HTML) with properly formatted data and predefined variables: submitter IP address, date and time of submission, user agent (OS, Browser type and version) and unique reference number.
- SPAM free Contact
Form with CAPTCHA (anti-bot protection)
Features used:
- CAPTCHA field
- Required fields validation
- Email field validation
- Lowercase and then capitalize first letters in First Name and Last Name
- "Comment" field format for proper HTML email output (nl2br modifier)
- Back and Edit feature
- Highlight improperly filled fields on the same page
- Email sending in plaintext format
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will receive plaintext email with properly formatted data and predefined variables: submitter IP address, date and time of submission, user agent (OS, Browser type and version) and unique reference number.
- Multiple output form (PDF, XLS,
Features used:
- Generates PDF, PDF in table format, XLS, XLS in table format, CSV and able to ZIP these files
- Attach generated files
- Required fields validation
- Email validation
- Lowercase and then capitalize first letters in First Name and Last Name
- Email sending in plaintext format
- Predefined variables
- "Preview" page
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will receive plaintext email and attached file containing submitted data in one of the following file formats: PDF, PDF in table format, XLS, XLS in table format, CSV. Attachment can be zipped according to your choice.
- Multi Page Form with Multiple Fields Demo
Features used:
- Required fields validation
- Email validation
- Date validation
- Lowercase and then capitalize first letters in First Name and Last Name
- Social Security Number validation
- ZIP code validation
- Number fields validation
- Vehicle Identification Number validation
- Year field validation
- Email sending in plaintext format
- Predefined variables
- Five pages
- "Preview" page
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will go through filling of five form pages. On the preview page you will see data from all submitted fields. This data will also be sent to your email.
- Form with File access
Features used:
- File download after successful form submission
- URL Redirection
- Required fields validation
- Email validation
- Equal fields validation (email double check)
- Lowercase and then capitalize first letters in First Name and Last Name
Form result: you will be prompted to download a file to your computer if both entered emails are equal. No emails are being sent.
- File Upload Form with Different File Checks Demo
Features used:
- Image file type upload check
- MS Office file type upload check
- Custom file upload check
- Uploaded files are attached to email
- Document files are zipped and attached to email
- Email validation
- Email sending in plaintext format
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will receive plaintext email with attachments uploaded via the form. Second and third attachments will be zipped.
- Multilanguage check
Features used:
- Email validation
- UTF-8 codepage
- Attach uploaded as zipped file to email
- Back and Edit feature
- Highlight improperly filled fields on the same page
- Email sending in plaintext format
- "Preview" page
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will receive plaintext email with properly formatted data and predefined variables. Form pages and email contain data in correct encoding.
- Checkout
page with connection to payment gateway
Sample page with Form Processor Pro items
Features used:
- Redirect to checkout gateway
- Arithmetical calculations
- "If" condition
- "Switch" function
- Email validation
- "Preview" page
Form result: you will be prompted to choose Form Processor Pro license and number of items. After submission form will redirect you to 2CheckOut payment gateway and add to your shopping cart products that you have chosen.
- Multi-page Dependency form
Features used:
- Back & Edit feature
- Uses different templates depending on user's input
- Show pages according to user's choice
- Required fields validation
- Required dropdown menu validation
- Email validation
Form result: you will receive plaintext email with properly formatted data depending on the department that you have chosen.
- Mathematical calculations form
Show all possible mathematical calculations including sophisticated formulas
Features used:
- Email validation
- Calculations: division, multiplication, addition, subtraction
- "IF" condition
- Back and Edit feature
- Highlight improperly filled fields on the same page
- Email sending in plaintext format
- "Preview" page
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will see how mathematical calculations and "IF" condition work.
- Unique submissions form
Form with limited submissions from the same IP/Host (2 per hour)
Features used:
- Required fields validation
- Email field validation
- Lowercase and then capitalize first letters in First Name and Last Name
- "Comment" field format for proper HTML email output (nl2br modifier)
- Highlight improperly filled fields on the same page
- Email sending in plaintext format
- The int_fields validation
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will receive plaintext email with properly formatted data after submission. Form accepts two submissions per hour from the same IP. If you will try to submit three times, you will see "You are not allowed to submit this form" error.
- Subscription form that puts data into MySQL database
Features used:
- Required fields validation
- Email field validation
- Lowercase and then capitalize first letters in First Name and Last Name
- "Comment" field format for proper HTML email output (nl2br modifier)
- Highlight improperly filled fields on the same page
- "Preview" page
- "Thank you" page
- Save submission data to the database
- Simple access to saved data
Form result: you will be redirected to the database view script that shows last 20 submissions saved to the database.
- Log file form (CSV and textual database)
Features used:
- Required fields validation
- Email field validation
- Lowercase and then capitalize first letters in First Name and Last Name
- "Comment" field format for proper HTML email output (nl2br modifier)
- Highlight improperly filled fields on the same page
- "Thank you" page
- Submission data is saved to textual database file
- Submission data is saved to CSV database file
Form result: after submission you will see the "Thank you" page with link to textual database with submitted data, textual database template, CSV database file with submission data and CSV database template.
- Simple Contact Form with Custom Error Messages
Features used:
- Required fields validation
- Email field validation
- Lowercase and then capitalize first letters in First Name and Last Name
- "Comment" field format for proper HTML email output (nl2br modifier)
- "Preview" page
- Back and Edit feature
- Highlight improperly filled fields on the same page
- Email sending in both formats: plaintext and HTML
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will receive two emails (in plaintext and HTML) with properly formatted data and predefined variables: submitter IP address, date and time of submission, user agent (OS, Browser type and version) and unique reference number.
- Auto Generated Email Or Ready Form
in 5 Minutes
Features used:
- Autogenerated email feature
- Required fields validation
- Email field validation
- Highlight improperly filled fields on the same page
- "Thank you" page
Form result: you will receive email with properly formatted data. This form can be configured in 5 minutes or less! You do not need to configure email templates.